What Was the First Art Style Launched in 1917 by the Young Soviet Union?

Soviet art is a course of visual art that was produced after the October Socialist Revolution of 1917 in Soviet Russia (1917—1922) and the Soviet Spousal relationship (1922—1991).

Soviet fine art of the post-revolutionary period [edit]

The consolidation of Soviet art was preceded throughout the 1920s by an era of intense ideological competition betwixt different artistic groupings, with members each striving to ensure their ain views would have priority in determining the forms and directions in which Soviet fine art would develop, seeking to occupy key posts in cultural institutions and to win the favour and support of the government.

This struggle was made even more biting by the growing crisis of radical leftist fine art. At the turn of the 1930s, many advanced tendencies that had appeared dorsum in the 1910s had wearied themselves and their former proponents began depicting existent-life objects, equally they attempted to return to the traditional arrangement of painted images. That is what occurred with the leading Jack of Diamonds artists. In the early 1930s Kazimir Malevich (1879-1935) returned to figurative fine art.[1]

Prominent supporters of leftist views included David Shterenberg (1881-1948; head of the Fine Arts department of the People's Commissariat for Education (Narkompros); before the revolution a member of the Jewish Labour Bund, who lived in exile in France, where he became acquainted with Anatoli Lunacharsky), Alexander Drevin, Vladimir Tatlin, Wassily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, Osip Brik, Sofya Dymshits-Tolstaya, Olga Rozanova, Mikhail Matyushin and Nathan Altman. They formed a fairly powerful group that initially determined the policy of the Fine Arts section within the Soviet government and also of the local Moscow and Petrograd Soviets.[ commendation needed ]

The position of the Fine Arts department was nearly fully expressed by Nikolai Punin in 1919. He wrote: «If the delineation of the earth does assist cognition, then only at the very primeval stages of human evolution, afterwards which it already becomes either a direct hindrance to the growth of art or a class-based interpretation of it», and: «The element of depiction is already an element characteristic of a conservative understanding of art».[two]

The danger of a suspension with the traditions of progressive pre-revolutionary art and the artistic schoolhouse was being pointed out - chiefly by representatives of Russian art who had begun their careers dorsum earlier the revolution and who, in contrast to the leftists, initially boycotted the new government. These included Dmitry Kardovsky, Isaak Brodsky, Alexander Savinov, Abram Arkhipov, Boris Kustodiev, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, Arkady Rylov, Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Mikhail Avilov, Alexander Samokhvalov, Boris Ioganson, Rudolf Frentz and others. The formation of these 2 camps, whose members held positions that were to a large extent diametrically opposed, put its distinctive stamp on the evolution of art and creative didactics in the 1920s. In this atmosphere of incessant polemics and a contest between various artistic tendencies Soviet fine art and its creative school come into being.[3]

Another post-revolution motility aimed to put all arts to the service of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The instrument for this, formed but days before the October Revolution, was Proletkult, an abbreviation for "Proletarskie kulturno-prosvetitelnye organizatsii" (Proletarian Cultural and Enlightenment Organizations). A prominent theorist of this motility was Aleksandr Bogdanov (1873-1928). Initially the Narkompros (ministry building of education), which was also in charge of the arts, supported Proletkult. Still, the latter sought also much independence from the ruling Communist Party of Bolsheviks, came into disfavour with Vladimir Lenin, past 1922 declined considerably, and was eventually disbanded in 1932.

The ideas of Proletkult attracted the interests of Russian avantgarde, who strove to get rid of the conventions of "conservative art". Notable members of this movement included Vladimir Tatlin (1885-1953), Mikhail Matyushin (1861-1934), and Kazimir Malevich (who served as the director of the St. petersburg State Constitute of Artistic Culture (GinKHuk) from 1923 until it airtight in 1926).[4] Notwithstanding, the ideas of the avantgarde eventually clashed with the newly emerged country-sponsored management of socialist realism.

In search of new forms of expression, the Proletkult organisation was highly eclectic in its art forms, and thus was prone to harsh criticism for the inclusion of such mod directions as impressionism and cubism, since these movements had existed before the revolution and hence were associated[ by whom? ] with "decadent bourgeois art".

Among the early experiments of Proletkult was the pragmatic artful of industrial fine art, the prominent theorist beingness Boris Arvatov (1896-1940).

Another group was UNOVIS, a very short-lived but influential collection of young artists led by Kasimir Malevich in the 1920s.

Subsequently the discovery of porcelain in 1917[ clarification needed ] in the State Porcelain Manufactory, it was likewise used for propaganda purposes. This porcelain was intended less for everyday use and more for ornament. As early on as the 1920s there were exhibitions of the porcelain outside the Soviet Matrimony.[five]


Officially approved art was required to follow the doctrine of Socialist Realism. In the spring of 1932, the Central Commission of the Communist Political party decreed that all existing literary and artistic groups and organizations should exist disbanded and replaced with unified associations of creative professions. Accordingly, the Moscow and Leningrad Union of Artists was established in August 1932, which brought the history of post-revolutionary art to a close. The epoch of Soviet art began.[6]

In October 1932, the All-Russian Key Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on the creation of an Academy of Arts. The Leningrad Plant of Proletarian Fine Fine art was transformed into the Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. This drew a line under a 15-yr period of constant change at the country'southward largest institution for art education. In full, over the flow 1917-1991, the Establish graduated more x,000 artists and fine art historians.[7] Among them were such major artists and sculptors of the USSR as Alexander Samokhvalov, Yevsey Moiseyenko, Andrei Mylnikov, Yuri Neprintsev, Aleksandr Laktionov, Mikhail Anikushin, Piotr Belousov, Boris Ugarov, Ilya Glazunov, Nikolai Timkov and others.

The most known Soviet artists were Isaak Brodsky, Alexander Samokhvalov, Boris Ioganson, Aleksandr Deyneka, Aleksandr Laktionov, Yuri Neprintsev and other painters from Moscow and Leningrad School.[8] Moscow artist Aleksandr Gerasimov during his career produced a big number of heroic paintings of Joseph Stalin and other members of the Politburo. Nikita Khrushchev later alleged that Kliment Voroshilov spent more time posing in Gerasimov's studio than he did attention to his duties in the People'south Commissariat of Defense force. Gerasimov's painting shows a mastery of classical representational techniques.

Nonetheless, fine art exhibitions of 1935–1960 disprove the claims that artistic life of the catamenia was suppressed by the ideology and artists submitted entirely to what was so called «social order». A great number of landscapes, portraits, genre paintings and studies exhibited at the fourth dimension pursued purely technical purposes and were thus free from any ideology. That arroyo was too pursued ever more consistently in the genre paintings as well, although young artists at time still lacked the experience and professional person mastery to produce works of loftier art level devoted to Soviet actuality.[9]

Known Russian fine art historian Vitaly Manin considered that «What in our time is termed a myth in the works of artists of the 1930s was a reality, one, moreover, that was perceived that way past real people. Another side of life did exist, of course, only that does non annul that the artists depicted. ... Ane gets the impression that disputes about art were conducted earlier and afterwards 1937 in the interests of the political party bureaucracy and of artists with a proletarian obsession, but non at all of true artists, who found themes in the contemporary world and did not get embroiled in questions of the form of their expression». [ten]

In the period between the mid-1950s and 1960s, the Fine art of Socialist realism was approaching its apex. Artists who had graduated from the University (Repin Institute of Arts) in the 1930s–50s were in their prime. They were quick to present their art, they strived for experiments and were eager to appropriate a lot and to learn even more. Their time and contemporaries, with all its images, ideas and dispositions establish it full expression in portraits by Lev Russov, Victor Oreshnikov, Boris Korneev, Semion Rotnitsky, Vladimir Gorb, Engels Kozlov, landscapes by Nikolai Timkov, Alexander Grigoriev, Aleksei Gritsai, Vladimir Ovchinnikov, Vecheslav Zagonek, Sergei Osipov, Alexander Semionov, Arseny Semionov, Nikolai Galakhov, genre paintings by Geliy Korzhev, Arkady Plastov, Nikolai Pozdneev, Yuri Neprintsev, Fyodor Reshetnikov, Yevsey Moiseyenko, Andrei Mylnikov. Fine art of this period showed boggling taste for life and creative work.

In 1957, the first All-Union Congress of Soviet Artists takes place in Moscow. It establishes the USSR Matrimony of Artists that unites over 13000 professional artists from all republics and of all specializations. In 1960, the Spousal relationship of Artists of Russian federation was organized.[11] Accordingly, these events influenced the art life in Moscow, Petrograd and province. The telescopic of experimentation was broadened; in item, this concerned the form and painterly and plastic language. Images of youths and students, rapidly changing villages and cities, virgin lands brought under tillage, grandiose structure plans being realized in Siberia and the Volga region, great achievements of Soviet scientific discipline and technology became the chief topics of the new painting. Heroes of the time – young scientists, workers, civil engineers, physicians – become the most popular heroes of paintings.

At this period, life provided artists with enough of thrilling topics, positive figures and images. The legacies of many great artists and art movements again became bachelor for report and public discussions. This greatly broadened artists' understanding of the realist method and widened its possibilities. It was the repeated renewal of the very conception of realism that fabricated this style dominates in the Russian art throughout its history. Realist tradition gave rise to many trends of contemporary painting, including painting from nature, «astringent style» painting and decorative fine art. Notwithstanding, during this period impressionism, postimpressionism, cubism and expressionism as well had their fervent adherents and interpreters.[ citation needed ]

Soviet Nonconformist Art [edit]

The decease of Joseph Stalin in 1953, and Nikita Khrushchev's Thaw, paved the way for a moving ridge of liberalization in the arts throughout the Soviet Union. Although no official change in policy took place, artists began to feel free to experiment in their piece of work, with considerably less fear of repercussions than during the Stalinist period.

In the 1950s Moscow artist Ely Bielutin encouraged his students to experiment with abstractionism, a practice thoroughly discouraged by the Artists' Union, which strictly enforced the official policy of Socialist Realism. Artists who chose to paint in culling styles had to exercise so completely in private and were never able to exhibit or sell their work. As a issue, Nonconformist Art developed forth a separate path than the Official Art that was recorded in the history books.

Life magazine published two portraits past two painters, who to their mind, were near representative of Russian Arts of the period: it was Serov, an official Soviet icon and Anatoly Zverev, an underground Russian avant-garde expressionist. Serov'due south portrait of Vladimir Lenin and Zverev's self-portrait were associated by many with an eternal Biblical struggle of Satan and Saviour. When Khrushchev learned virtually the publication he was outraged and forbade all contacts with Western visitors, airtight down all semi legal exhibitions. And of course, Zverev was the main target of his outrage.

The Lianozovo Group was formed around the artist Oscar Rabin in the 1960s and included artists such as Valentina Kropivnitskaya, Vladimir Nemukhin, and Lydia Masterkova. While not adhering to whatsoever common style, these artists sought to faithfully limited themselves in the style they deemed advisable, rather than adhere to the propagandistic way of Socialist Realism.

Tolerance of Nonconformist Art by the government underwent an ebb and flow until the ultimate collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Artists took advantage of the start few years afterward the expiry of Stalin to experiment in their work without the fear of persecution. In 1962, artists experienced a slight setback when Nikita Khrushchev appeared at the exhibition of the 30th anniversary of the Moscow Creative person'due south Union at the Moscow Manege exhibition hall, an episode known as the Manege Affair. Amongst the customary works of Socialist Realism were a few abstract works past artists such as Ernst Neizvestny and Eli Beliutin, which Khrushchev criticized as being "shit," and the artists for being "homosexuals." The bulletin was articulate: artistic policy was non equally liberal as everyone had hoped.

The history of late Soviet art has been dominated by politics and simplistic formulae. Both inside the art world and the general public, very piffling consideration has been given to the aesthetic graphic symbol of the work produced in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s. Instead, the official and unofficial art of the flow usually stood in for either "bad" or "good" political developments. A more nuanced pic would emphasize that there were numerous competing groups making art in Moscow and Leningrad throughout this period. The most important figures for the international art scene have been the Moscow artists Ilya Kabakov, Erik Bulatov, Andrei Monastyrsky, Vitaly Komar and Aleksandr Melamid.

The well-nigh infamous incident regarding nonconformist artists in the former Soviet Marriage was the 1974 Bulldozer Exhibition, which took identify in a park simply outside Moscow, and included piece of work by such artists equally Oscar Rabin, Komar and Melamid, Alexandr Zhdanov, Nikolai Smoliakov and Leonid Sokov. The artists involved had written to the government for permission to hold the exhibition only received no answer to their request. They decided to go ahead with the exhibition anyway, which consisted solely of unofficial works of art that did not fit into the rubric of Socialist Realism. The KGB put an end to the exhibition just hours afterward it opened by bringing in bulldozers to completely destroy all of the artworks present. However, the foreign printing had been there to witness the effect, and the worldwide coverage of information technology forced the authorities to permit an exhibition of Nonconformist Art ii weeks afterward in Izmailovsky Park in Moscow.

A few West European collectors supported many of the artists in the Soviet Union during the 60s and 70s. One of the leading collectors and philanthropists were the couple Kenda and Jacob Bar-Gera. The Bar-Gera Drove consists of some 200 works of 59 Soviet Russian artists of who did not want to embrace the official fine art directive of the post-Stalinist Soviet Union. Kenda and Jacob Bar-Gera, both are survivors of the holocaust, supported these partially persecuted artists by sending them money or painting fabric from Frg to the Soviet Union. Even though the Kenda and Jacob did not encounter the artists in person, they bought many of their paintings and other fine art objects. The works were smuggled to Germany by hiding them in the suitcases of diplomats, travelling businessmen, and students, thus making the Bar-Gera Collection of Russian Non-Conformists amongst the largest of its kind in the world. Among others, the collection content works of Bachtschanjan Vagritsch, Jankilevskij Wladimir, Rabin Oskar, Batschurin Ewganij, Kabakov Ilja, Schablavin Sergei, Belenok Piotr, Krasnopevcev Dimitrij, Schdanov Alexander, Igor Novikov, Bitt Galina, Kropivnitzkaja Walentina, Schemjakin Michail, Bobrowskaja Olga, Kropivnitzkij Lew, Schwarzman Michail, Borisov Leonid, Kropiwnizkij Jewgenij, Sidur Vadim, Bruskin Grischa, Kulakov Michail, Sitnikov Wasili, and many others.

By the finish of the 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of Perestroika and Glasnost fabricated information technology near impossible for the authorities to place restrictions on artists or their liberty of expression. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the new market economic system enabled the development of a gallery arrangement, which meant that artists no longer had to be employed past the state, and could create work co-ordinate to their own tastes, likewise as the tastes of their private patrons. Consequently, after around 1986 the phenomenon of Nonconformist Fine art in the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

See as well [edit]

  • Fine Art of Saint petersburg
  • Leningrad Schoolhouse of Painting
  • Listing of Russian artists
  • List of painters of St. petersburg Union of Artists
  • Listing of the Russian Landscape painters
  • Soviet mode design

Footnotes [edit]

  1. ^ The Leningrad School of Painting. Essays on the History. St Petersburg, ARKA Gallery Publishing, 2019, page 25.
  2. ^ Пунин Н. Искусство и пролетариат // Изобразительное искусство. — 1919, №1. С.24, 30.
  3. ^ The Leningrad School of Painting. Essays on the History. St Petersburg, ARKA Gallery Publishing, 2019, page 26.
  4. ^ The Leningrad School of Painting. Essays on the History. St Petersburg, ARKA Gallery Publishing, 2019, page 399.
  5. ^ Lobanov-Rostovsky, Nina. "Soviet Propaganda Porcelain". The Periodical of Decorative and Propaganda Arts 11 (1989): 126-41. Accessed Apr 18, 2021. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1503986.
  6. ^ Unknown Socialist Realism. The Petrograd School. St Petersburg, NP-Print, 2007. P.28–29.
  7. ^ Anniversary Directory graduates of St. petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture named later on Ilya Repin, Russian Academy of Arts. 1915 - 2005. - St Petersburg: Pervotsvet Publishing, 2007.
  8. ^ The Leningrad School of painting 1930 – 1990s. Historical outline.
  9. ^ The Leningrad School of Painting. Essays on the History. St Petersburg, ARKA Gallery Publishing, 2019. P.39.
  10. ^ Манин В. С. Искусство и власть. Борьба течений в советском изобразительном искусстве 1917-1941 годов. СПб: Аврора, 2008. С.335.
  11. ^ The Leningrad Schoolhouse of Painting. Essays on the History. St Petersburg, ARKA Gallery Publishing, 2019. P.404—405.

Farther reading [edit]

  • Directory of members of the Marriage of Artists of USSR. Volume one,2. - Moscow: Soviet artist, 1979.
  • Lynn Mally. Civilization of the Future: The Proletkult Movement in Revolutionary Russia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
  • Norton Dodge, Alla Rosenfeld, eds. From Gulag to Glasnost: Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Wedlock. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995.
  • George Costakis Drove. Russian Avant-Garde Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams.
  • Matthew C. Bown. Dictionary of 20th Century Russian and Soviet Painters 1900-1980s. – London: Izomar 1998.
  • Vern G. Swanson. Soviet Impressionism. Woodbridge, England: Antique Collectors' Guild, 2001.
  • Fourth dimension for modify. The Art of 1960–1985 in the Soviet Union / Almanac. Vol. 140. St Petersburg, Country Russian Museum, 2006.
  • * Anniversary Directory graduates of Leningrad State Academic Found of Painting, Sculpture, and Compages named after Ilya Repin, Russian Academy of Arts. 1915 - 2005. - St Petersburg: Pervotsvet Publishing, 2007.
  • Vern G. Swanson. Soviet Impressionist Painting. Woodbridge, England, Antique Collectors' Club, 2008.
  • Манин В. С. Искусство и власть. Борьба течений в советском изобразительном искусстве 1917-1941 годов. СПб: Аврора, 2008.

Gallery [edit]

External links [edit]

  • Decree of the Council of People's Commissars «On the monuments of the republic» on April 12, 1918
  • Retention pages: reference and memorial collection. Artists of the St. petersburg Union of Soviet Artists who died during the Neat Patriotic War and in the siege of Leningrad. 1941–1945 (Rus)
  • Retention pages: reference and biographical collection. Artists of the St. Petersburg (St. petersburg) Union of Artists – veterans of the Great Patriotic War. 1941–1945. Book 1 (А-Л, Rus)
  • Memory pages: reference and biographical collection. Artists of the Leningrad (Leningrad) Spousal relationship of Artists – veterans of the Smashing Patriotic War. 1941–1945. Book 2 (М-Я, Rus)


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_art

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